Chances Of A Straight Flush In Texas Holdem

Real Money Poker Games » Texas Holdem Poker » after Flop Outs Percentages and Odds

For those unfamiliar with outs, an 'out' is the term used in the after-flop betting rounds to describe any card among the unseen cards in the deck that can substantially improve the value of your hand on the next card turned up.

Odds Of Hitting A Royal Flush In Texas Holdem

Odds of making a royal flush in texas holdem

Chances Of A Straight Flush In Texas Holdemin Texas Hold Em

The Odds of Making a Straight Flush in Poker The odds of flopping a straight flush with a premium suited connector such as T9s is 0.02% or 1 in 4,900 Definition of the Straight Flush – Five cards of consecutive rank, all of the same suit. If you ever wanted to know some of the odds and probabilities of Texas hold'em poker, from the chances of flopping a flush (0.8%) or set (12%) to the odds of an overcard coming on the flop when you.


For example, if after the flop you happen to have a total of four hearts, then your hand has nine 'outs' because there are nine of the original thirteen hearts still left in the unseen remaining deck. A much weaker draw hand would be for example, an inside straight. This hand only has four outs because the only cards left in the deck that can complete the straight would be the four cards of the missing denomination.


Of course, the more outs you have the better chance you have of making a strong hand. This chart offers some extra ways to look at and evaluate those chances. All Texas Holdem hands have 47 unseen cards after the flop and 46 after the turn. The chart is nothing more than the number of outs and these two unseen cards amounts, expressed in different ways.

Odds Of Making A Straight Flush In Texas Holdem

Those on mobile devices or tablets may wish to view the holdem after flop outs odds chart in high quality .pdf format.


Chances Of A Straight Flush In Texas Holdemush In Texas Hold Em

Chance of flopping a royal flush in texas holdem

Chances Of A Straight Flush In Texas Holdem Game

It might be interesting for you to note that when you double the number of outs, you get a number that is approximately the expected hit percentage of a single draw to your hand. For example, 8 outs equals about 16% (actually 17.02%) and 12 outs equals about 24% (actually 25.53%). You might find similar references or comparisons that you can use.